Tax look up and bill print - click here and search by road name:
**You may select e-check or credit card**
Convenience fee will apply
Click this button. No need to make an account. Enter just your road name (less is more), hit search and the list of properties will come up. Select your property and put into shopping cart. Be sure to select e-check if you don't want to use your credit card. Please call if you need assistance.

Assessment: Any questions concerning your tax assessment should be directed to the Tax Assessor. The Tax Assessor is available Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30 am – 3:30pm.
Tax Collector: As a statutory officer of the State of New Jersey, the Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection, enforcement, and recording of all taxes levied upon the properties in the Township. Tax Collectors are appointed to a four-year term. Additionally, they are required to be licensed by the State of New Jersey as a Certified Tax Collector to hold the position.
New Property Owners – Welcome to Green Township! As a new property owner in Green Township it is your responsibility to be sure you know your property tax obligation. It may take a few months before Sussex County records your deed and notifies us of the ownership change. Therefore, please call the Tax Office to provide new ownership information and your mailing address.
Annual Tax Bill: Tax Bills are mailed once a year, in late June or early July. The bill represents the quarterly payment for the final two quarters of the current year and the first two quarters of the coming year. The payments for the first two quarters of the coming year (Preliminary) are based on one half of the previous year’s taxes. When the bill for the second half taxes (Final) is rendered, the tax rate has been established and the total year’s tax is fixed. The preliminary amount is deducted and the remainder becomes your second half taxes. Four payments stubs are attached to the annual bill.
Due Dates: Property taxes are due on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Green Township does grant a 10-day grace period. If the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, make payment on the next business day: Taxes must be received by the Tax Office on or before the 10th. Please note that the State of New Jersey does not permit postmarks.
Payment Options for Property Taxes:
- Online - payment button above.
- US Mail/Delivery Service
- Walk-In (Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm)
- Drop Box – Located to right of front door to Municipal Building – Check or money order only, NO CASH we will not be responsible for cash placed in the drop box.
Payments may be made by check, money order, or cash. Checks payable to: Green Township Tax Collector and mailed to Green Township, PO Box 40, Tranquility, NJ 07879.
Online payments may be made by clicking the "Click here to pay taxes" above.
Please be advised there is a $20.00 fee for all returned checks.
Interest on Late Payments: N.J.S.A. 54:4-67 states that if payment is not received by the end of the business hours on the 10th day of the grace period, interest is to be charged. Interest is 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 of delinquency; balances in excess of $1,500.00 have an interest rate of 18% per annum. The 18% rate remains in place until the taxes are brought current. Interest is charged from the 1st of the month that payment is due, or the date of the last payment. In addition, if the total balance (tax and interest) exceeds $10,000.00 on December 31st, a 6% penalty shall be added to the amount due to Green Township. Under this statute, the collector must have physical possession of the payment; no postmarks accepted.
Interest on Tax Bills Not Received: N.J.S.A. 54:4-64 states that failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax due; it is the property owner’s responsibility to ascertain from the proper official Tax Collector) the amount due. If you have recently purchased the property, or lost your bill, you should call the Tax Collectors Office to obtain the amount due, and request a copy of the bill. Tax account information, and payment stubs, can be accessed online by visiting red search button above.
Delinquent Property Taxes & Tax Sale: The Township holds an annual tax sale for those properties with delinquent prior year property tax and water utility charges. The state requires that any property listed for tax sale be publicly published and posted in the Township. The costs of publication and sale are added to the amount to be sold. Delinquent prior year property taxes, and water utility charges, will be sold to the highest bidder in the form of liens. Upon the sale of these liens, the purchasers (Lien Holders) may pay current year delinquencies and add those balances to the lien. Lien holders must wait 2 years before they can begin to foreclose a property. The property owner may redeem the lien at any time prior to foreclosure through the Office of the Tax Collector. Questions regarding tax liens, and redemption requests, should be emailed to the Tax Collector.
Mortgage Satisfied: If your mortgage company or bank is no longer responsible for paying your property taxes kindly contact the tax office so that your record can be updated. You may also email information to
Senior Citizen/Disabled/Surviving Spouse: If you were 65 years or older as of December 31st of the previous year, you may be eligible for a deduction of $250.00 annually from your gross property tax amount. There is an income limitation of $10,000.00, combined if married, excluding social security. Complete eligibility requirements are listed on the application form.
Veterans: If you have served in the armed forces, or if you are a widow of a veteran that never remarried, you may be eligible for a deduction of $250.00 annually from your gross property tax amount. There is also a 100% permanently disabled veteran deduction which grants full tax exemptions for qualified veterans. Complete eligibility requirements are listed on the application forms.
Applications are available online:
Senior Citizen/Disabled/Surviving Spouse
Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement Program): Provides direct property tax relief, in the form of a refund check, to homeowners who meet the eligibility requirements. For more information and an application please call (800) 882-6597 or online:
ANCHOR Program: Provides direct property tax relief, in the form of a check or direct depoist to homeowners and renters who meet the eligibility requirements. For more information and an application please call (888) 238-1233 or online:
- Green Township's tax rate for 2024 is as follows:
- County Tax $0.623
- County Open Space $0.003
- District School Tax $2.527
- Municipal Open Space $0.010
- Local Municipal Tax $0.680
- County Library Tax $0.049
- Total Rate for 2024 $3.892 per $100 of assessed valuation
Historical Tax Rate Data
*Property Tax Relief Programs:
*Tax Payer Bill of Rights:
Please contact my office for information concerning veteran deductions and senior/disabled deductions.
- Office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. The mailing address is Green Township Tax Collector, P.O. Box 40, Tranquility, NJ 07879. I can be reached at 908-852-9333 x-14. or email me at
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